Syndiqator invests solely in Quantum Technology and convergent Deep Tech
The phrase convergent refers to the synergistic combination of four major
NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) provinces of science and technology, each of which is
currently progressing at a rapid rate:
- Nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Biotechnology and biomedicine, including synthetic biology and genetic engineering
- Information technology, including advanced computing and communications
- Cognitive science, including cognitive neuroscience
In the field of advanced computing and communication, we are specialising in
Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST), with special emphasis on quantum computing,
quantum machine learning and quantum information. QIST has the potential for a revolutionary
impact on information technology - a whole new technology, Quantum Information Technology (QIT)
could emerge.
We believe NBIC and QIST combined will revolutionise the world of the 21st century and we
will therefore invest early in promising areas of the subject in order to establish
Syndiqator as the leading investor in this field.
All our investments are confined to NBIC and QIST.